A Mile a life 2022.

Monday 23rd May 2022 saw the return of “A mile a life” it is a month long annual challenge that concludes on Charlies birthday 23rd June.  We ask participants to join our Strava group and complete “a mile a life” this can be any activity, whether it be walking, running, swimming or playing golf!

The target miles to complete are reflected by the number of suicides the year prior. This year the devastating target was 5224.

A total of 154 people joined there were group activities and people who walked solo, the aim to better your own mental health, in completing the miles, to reflect or simply to create a new routine. Once again our expectations were exceeded.

Throughout this journey, throughout our campaign we always have such unbelievable support.  People always make this a collective and inclusive experience.

The last day of the challenge saw our final walk, from York Minister to Charlies memorial bench at Bishopthorpe, York.  Giving people the opportunity to look back on the month and share memories of Charlie it was an extremely special day.  The total miles complete over a month 7111.36 absolutely outstanding effort by all.

To see all our efforts please go to our social media pages, for videos, links and photographs