2023 Annual Ball…..
01 November 2023
Its a night that has become a firm engagement for the supporters of CDLF. A date that everyone has marked in their calendars, and as with our previous ball a huge success. On Saturday 7th October 180 guests packed into the Ebor Suite at York Racecourse the fizz flowed and the laughter did too.
The ball has always been and will always be about raising awareness of the work that CDLF do, but it is also the coming together and celebrating all the work that Charlie did during his life. We always aim for the night to be filled with laughter and love and we have no doubt that this was achieved this year!
The ball is hosted by our partners at Menfullness, Jack, Matty and Sam who always just hit the note just right discussing a very heart-breaking but real subject.
Monies raised on the night totalled £16,163 this will be put directly to helping those in need.
Thank you for all who came, supported and donated we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!